Hii , I am Rajnandini Tikkal

A MERN Stack Developer



A platform to connect with all Github user.

Link :https://connecting-user.netlify.app/

Source Code: https://github.com/

Engineering Books

A Platform in which all Engineering study material Syllabus , Books are available.

Link :https://engineeringstudym

Source Code: https://github.com/rajnandi

RTC Home Decors

This is our group project in which we are building a website that all about home decoration.

Link :https://rtc-decors.netlify.app/

Source Code: https://github.com/rajnandi

Online Fashion Club

This is our first group project in which we were building Fashionclub website .

Link :https://connecting-user.netlify.app/

Source Code: https://github.com/

Desi Delights

A platform to connect with all Github user.

Link :https://connecting-user.netlify.app/

Source Code: https://github.com/

Desi Delights

A platform to connect with all Github user.

Link :https://connecting-user.netlify.app/

Source Code: https://github.com/


I'm Rajnandini Tikkal Third year Computer Engg student from SPPU University (HSBPVT's PCOE) . Currently I'm Learning and exploring new things with patience .
Good in programming languages like c , python , html , css , javascript , php etc.
Basic Knowledge about microsoft AZURE .



"Photography: Freezing moments, one click at a time. Exploring the world's beauty through my lens, capturing emotions, colors, and stories that words can't express."


"Painting: Where Imagination Meets Canvas. I use brush and color to express emotions, tell stories, and explore creativity in its purest form."

Indoor Games

"Indoor Games: Unleashing Fun Within Walls. From strategic maneuvers to friendly competition, I thrive on the excitement and camaraderie of board games, puzzles, and more."

The Indoor games like "Chess","Cube","Carrom" etc.


"Writing: Crafting Worlds with Words. I weave ideas and emotions into stories, inviting readers to journey through imagination and thought-provoking narratives."

I like


Microsoft AZURE

I have Basic Knowledge about the Microsoft AZURE Fundamentals .
Proficient in deploying and managing cloud resources on Microsoft Azure. Experience with Azure services such as Azure Virtual Machines, Azure SQL Database, and Azure App Service.


Proficient in designing and implementing data structures and algorithms. Demonstrated ability to optimize code for improved efficiency and performance. In DSA that i can able to solve problems .

Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering refers to the skill of crafting effective and efficient prompts or instructions when interacting with AI models like GPT-3.5, to achieve desired outcomes or responses. It involves understanding the model's capabilities, limitations, and then formulating prompts in a way that maximizes the utility of the AI.